
Monday, February 15, 2010

THOR Girls

I hate to admit this, but one of the huge reasons I've had limited success as a musician/person in a band is that I get so excited about making music that I wind up putting the cart before the horse. Although, I do want to pat myself on the back for writing 1½ songs last night, and both of them rock balls.

So seriously, I have a list of bands that I want to play with when I finally get the band together and am able to go on tour. Last night, I was wondering how hard it would be to get a show with Jon Mikl Thor, who is probably the most incredible polymath of our time. Apart from singing in a hair metal band and being a weightlifter, he's also the star of Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare, which is such an inexplicably amazing film.

So I was on his website last night, and I started goofing off, and I found his merch page. He has some hot mamacitas modeling his shirts.





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